Thursday, March 17, 2011

blog #3 I Know the Truth, so Don’t Bother Me with Facts”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

global warming is a made up. human are gulled easily by gossips. for all the that's defind the debate more than 13 islanic cultural center planned for park place but the cultural center won't be built in the sit of the world trade towers destroyed . Bush said american involvement in wars in the arab world made th U.S an "accessory" to the terrorist attacks. R.Kelly Garrett and Erik Nisbet  hire people who reported being familier with rumors about the propose center. allof the subject were given full, written rebuttals of the rumores. after reading the material , however only 28% subjects rejected the rumors, while another 35% at least acknowledged that there was some merit to the new information. subjects who read the rebuttals and were shown a picture of Rauf in the company of people in Arab-style dress, by contrast,were less likely to reject the rumors. when people do take time to learn the facts, but the effort often dose no good. garrett cites a body of studies showing that when subject are with data that contradicts their beliefs, they often respond by cleaving ti their biasas even more tightly.
no matter what the scans and other studies reveal, of course it's up to us to fine a place in a world of facts and make our decision based on that information. we may not alwasys agree on what those facts mean, but at a minimum we need to agrss that they mean more than fantasy.

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